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I floated this idea and found it has potential!

Here's the ingredients:

... more

Admin Jan 15 '22 · Comments: 18 · Tags: electricity, generator, buoyancy, gravity

Top Ten Pandemic Fables

Posted on August 13, 2021


Watch the documentary:


IT’S a year unlike any other on planet earth. Many know deep down that there is something very wrong taking place. No one is allowed to have an opinion any more, no matter how many PhD’s behind their name. No one has the freedom any longer to make their own medical choices (“My body, my choice” no longer applies). No one is allowed to engage facts publicly without being censored or even dismissed from their careers. Rather, we have entered a period reminiscent of the powerful propaganda and intimidation campaigns that immediately preceded the most distressing dictatorships (and genocides) of the past century. Volksgesundheit — for the “Public Health” — was a centrepiece in Hitler’s plan.  

In democratic societies, the needs of public health sometimes require citizens to make sacrifices for the greater good, but in Nazi Germany, national or public health — Volksgesundheit — took complete precedence over individual health care. Physicians and medically trained academics, many of whom were proponents of “racial hygiene,” or eugenics, legitimized and helped to implement Nazi policies aiming to “cleanse” German society of people viewed as biologic threats to the nation’s health.In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene by Susan Bachrach, Ph.D.

With CNN’s Don Lemon calling for the “unvaccinated” to be barred from grocery stores, or Piers Morgan demanding that the unvaccinated be barred from health careVolksgesundheit has returned with a frothing vengeance — this time against those nasty, selfish healthy people who dare to trust their powerful natural immunity, as millennia of descendants did before them. Even the existence of concentration “camps” for “high risk individuals” (ie. the unvaccinated?) is no conspiracy theory and is detailed on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website. The fact that many are losing their jobs as we speak for refusing the jab brings this reality very much home. We are headed toward one of the most divisive and destructive periods perhaps in human history — and propaganda, once again, is playing a central role. ... more

Admin Aug 15 '21 · Tags: covid-19, pandemic, mistakes, fraud

Dynamic Chiropractic – August 1, 2021, Vol. 39, Issue 08

The Positive Wink Sign

By Thomas Michaud, DC

Weakness of the intrinsic toe flexors, specifically the flexor digitorum brevis muscle (FDB), is a common and underappreciated cause of a wide range of injuries. In 2015, Sullivan, et al.,1 examined 202 people with chronic heel pain, compared them to 70 asymptomatic people, and determined that weakness of the toe flexors was a common finding in the heel pain group.

This is consistent with research showing that heel spurs do not form at the origin of the plantar fascia as popularly believed; they form at the attachment point of the FDB.2 Researchers suggest that in an attempt to offload the neighboring plantar fascia, the FDB fires with more force and the resultant tensile strain leads to the development of a traction bone spur on the calcaneus. Over time, the bone spur gradually becomes a weight-bearing point capable of creating its own set of symptoms.

Importance of FDB Strength ... more

Admin Aug 5 '21 · Tags: gait, fdb, plantar fascitis, arches


93 procent bloeddonoren heeft antistoffen tegen corona Do 29 juli, 16:33

Meer dan 93 procent van de Nederlanders die bloed doneren heeft antistoffen in hun bloed tegen corona dankzij een besmetting of een vaccinatie. Bloedbank Sanquin onderzoekt elke week een deel van hun bloeddonaties op antistoffen.

Hoe meer antistoffen in je bloed, hoe beter je beschermd bent tegen een besmetting met corona. De kans dat je dan ernstig ziek wordt of in het ziekenhuis belandt, is heel klein. Goed nieuws volgens OMT-lid Marc Bonten, maar wat betekent dit voor de groepsimmuniteit? En kan het beleid nu sneller versoepeld worden?

Eerst even de cijfers:

- Nieuwsuur

"Dit hoge percentage komt vooral door de explosieve groei van gevaccineerde twintigers de laatste weken", zegt Hans Zaaijer, arts-microbioloog en onderzoeker bij de bloedbank. ... more

Admin Aug 5 '21 · Tags: covid-19, immunity, antibodies

By disrupting brain activity in a particular region,

neuroscientists can sway people’s views of moral situations. Publication Date: March 30, 2010

[Maybe they should study their own morality, if they have some? -ed.]

moral neuroscience

In the new study, the researchers wanted to go beyond fMRI experiments to observe what would happen if they could actually disrupt activity in the right TPJ. Their success marks a major step forward for the field of moral neuroscience, says Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, professor of philosophy at Duke University. ...

The researchers used a noninvasive technique known as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to selectively interfere with brain activity in the right TPJ. A magnetic field applied to a small area of the skull creates weak electric currents that impede nearby brain cells’ ability to fire normally, but the effect is only temporary. ...

Saxe’s lab is now studying the role of theory of mind in judging situations where the attempted harm was not a physical threat. The researchers are also doing a study on the role of the right TPJ in judgments of people who are morally lucky or unlucky. For example, a drunk driver who hits and kills a pedestrian is unlucky, compared to an equally drunk driver who makes it home safely, but the unlucky homicidal driver tends to be judged more morally blameworthy.

full article:


Admin Jun 15 '21 · Tags: neurology, neuroscience, fmri, tms, morality

Part1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yII1pZmVYnLN/

PANDA (Pandemics – data and analysis) has been very outspoken with regards to Covid-19, lockdowns and government’s approach to the virus. Their viewpoints have certainly ruffled a few feathers over the past year, with many speaking out against the think tank. Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, spoke at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference earlier this month.

Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pmi2nUhmDool/

More info:

Source: Philosophers-stone.info Bitchute channel:


Ga direct naar inhoud Logo Rijksoverheid - Naar de homepage van Rijksoverheid.nl U bevindt zich hier: Home Onderwerpen Coronavirus COVID-19 Mondkapjes Mensen met een beperking of ziekte Zoeken binnen Rijksoverheid.nl Mondkapjesplicht voor mensen met een beperking of ziekte

Er geldt in Nederland in publieke binnenruimtes een mondkapjesplicht, bijvoorbeeld in winkels, in het openbaar vervoer of de bibliotheek. Dit geldt in principe ook voor mensen met een beperking. Sommige mensen hoeven echter geen mondkapje te dragen op plekken waar dat verplicht is.

Hieronder vindt u informatie wie uitgezonderd is van de plicht om een mondkapje te dragen en hoe zij dit kunnen aantonen.

voor dragen mondkapje

Er geldt een uitzondering voor mensen die vanwege hun beperking of ziekte geen mondkapje kunnen dragen. Het kan zowel om zichtbare, als onzichtbare beperkingen of ziektes gaan. Concreet gaat het om: ... more

Admin Apr 3 '21 · Comments: 2 · Tags: mondkap, mask, uitgezonderd, uitzonderingen

Doctors of Chiropractic receive extensive, demanding professional education on par with medical doctors (MDs) and osteopaths (DOs).

To receive the doctor of chiropractic degree, candidates must complete extensive undergraduate prerequisites and four years of graduate-level instruction and internship at an accredited chiropractic institution. Comprehensive knowledge of all systems of the body and diagnostic procedures enable the DC to thoroughly evaluate a patient, address disorders relating to the spine and determine the need for referral to another health care provider.

Doctors of Chiropractic are primary health care providers. ... more

Admin Feb 17 '21 · Tags: chiropractic, education

Publisher LogoScientists say the human brain resembles the cosmos Both neural and galactic networks have the same structure, pointing to a fractal universe. Tibi Puiuby Tibi Puiu November 19, 2020 in News, Science, Space

Side by side pictures of brain cells and a cosmic web of galaxies make it difficult to tell the two apart. So it can seem that the universe is like one giant brain or vice-versa, there’s a tiny universe in each of our brains. That’s not merely some entertaining thought. In a new study, an astrophysicist and a neurosurgeon have documented the striking similarities between cosmic networks of galaxies and neural networks of brain cells.

The mini-cosmos inside the brain

Alberto Feletti, a neurosurgeon at the University of Verona, and Franco Vazza, astrophysicist at the University of Bologna, performed a quantitative analysis of neural and cosmic networks, showing that the natural physical processes lead to similar structures even when differences in scale can be greater than 27 orders of magnitude.

The human brain contains approximately 69 billion neurons, whereas the observable universe consists of a web of at least 100 billion galaxies. In both galactic and neural networks, just 30% of their masses are composed of ‘working’ masses, such as galaxies and neurons. The rest of the 70% of matter plays an apparently passive role: water in the brain and dark energy in the observable cosmos... more


Part One – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations

Tony and Martin joined by Lib Dem candidate for Bristol Mayor, Dr. Caroline Gooch, who has a PHD in neurophysiology.

Experts had been expecting a pandemic for a long time – 2017 war gaming of a pandemic – government didn’t learn and prepare. What could UK government have done better to deal with Covid 19. Ivermectin used effectively in other countries LINK**.

PMQs 50,000 undiagnosed cancers since Covid 19. PMQs Kier Starmer – what happens when furlough runs out? PMQs schools going back.

Why those pro Brexit are often anti lockdown too, and remainers are for lockdown.

Clean air zones in Bristol undecided STORY LINK**. Clean air zone for Bath in March. Public transport in Bristol. People living in vans in Bristol will not face possible injunction until Autumn.

Bristol’s working harbour under threat STORY LINK**.

PMQs Councils are strapped for cash. P

MQs Ian Liddel Grainger – Somerset Council should not be split.

What Caroline would do if she became Mayor.

Part Two – News Review and Investigative Reports: 

Meghan wins case against the Daily Mail who printed her letter to her Dad. How her Dad, Mr Markle, had tried to contact Meghan many times, and has proof, but she said he hadn’t – were their communications interfered with, or is one of them lying? LINK to Mail article**.

Queen doesn’t want shareholdings to be public STORY LINK**.

Peter Dasazk, Zoologist, worked with Wuhan lab on Gain of Function research, or bio warfare. March 2020 – What Next? Show – Dasazk predicting pandemics. CNN report by David Colver – Dasazk is one of the WHO team in China investigating origins of Covid 19 – conflict of interest. Steve Hilton’s report on Fox News – detailed investigation into Anthony Fauci’s and Peter Dasazk’s Gain of Function research at the Wuhan Lab, the main centre for this kind of research into bat coronaviruses – evidence points towards a lab leak of Covid 19. Larry Romanov – Fort Deitrich closed in summer 2019 – did Covid 19 actually leak from here? LINK**. NYP – Miranda Divine ….Dasazk…. Ronald Pees from Science in Action – Dasazk……... more

Admin Feb 13 '21 · Tags: covid-19, fauci, pandemic, dasazk
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