
NOTICE!: Take your thinking mask off!

Information posted here is for analysis and comment. Nothing on this site should be considered medical advice!

Greetings from the Adjusting Clinic for Mental Subluxations!

Thank you for visiting DC Forum!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Where 'evidence based' jargon came from. The Cult of Scientism.

The more things change, the more they remain the same?

⁣"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing." Voltaire.

Chiropractic has been accused by "Medicine" for 125 years, of being "Vitalistic," not "evidence based." However, based on available evidence, Vitalism is vital! Lifting spirit boosts immunity! Pain definitely lowers your spirit, energy, and immunity.

Arguments against Vitalism are premised on rejecting anything immaterial. But statistics, logic, and reason, which are fundamental components of evidence, are immaterial. Your Innate Immunity is more intelligent than current science. That is why current medicines wreak havoc.

Chiropractic does not need to "modernize." Science and medicine need to catch up!

If you have any based, cogent research or analysis to share regarding anything you see here, pro- or con-, please submit it!

Chiropractic has always been able to show real science that backs up what it professes. We have always been evidence based! Yet handicapped by limited research funding, and the limits of what science has proven. The nervous system was just starting to be studied when the profession began. Circulation, blood pressure, and heart failure weren't even recognized and understood until the 30s! The immune system is still not fully understood. All of these things are expressions of the self-organizing nature of Innate Intelligence. Evidence is accumulating ever faster nowadays. The growing mountain of it is being collected here. Chiropractic provides better outcomes, at lower cost, safely!

Meanwhile, the "toxic chemicals and inoculations to fight disease" industry has delivered a population rife with chronic health problems, millions on multiple permanent toxic prescriptions, millions addicted to opiates, millions damaged by vaccines, bankruptcy of health care system, and more profits than any other industry. Enough to take over the world and force everyone to take their poison? I know that sounds silly. They'd probably have to join forces with WHO, high tech surveillance industry, and the Communist Party to pull off something like that!

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come
when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict
the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to
others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special
privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”
― Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of US Declaration of Independence 1776

"Vitalism compares to reductionist materialism as love does to getting raped."


Quotes from Chiropractic Founder, DD Palmer

Daniel David, or D.D., Palmer, is known as the founder of chiropractic. He also had some really insightful things to say about the new healing art he established.
Although most of these quotes come from the late 1800s, their wisdom stands just as true – or even more so – in our field of modern chiropractic care.

Here are ten quotes by the Founder of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer:

1. “The basic principle, and the principles of chiropractic which have been developed from it are not new. They are as old as the vertebrae… I am not the first person to replace subluxated vertebra, for this art has been practiced for thousands of years.”

2. “Do not forget that chiropractors did not treat diseases. They adjust causes, whether acquired, spontaneous, or the result of accident.”

3. “Drugs are delusive; they do not adjust anything.”

4. “The philosophy of chiropractic is founded upon the knowledge of the manner in which vital functions are performed by innate in health and disease. When the controlling intelligence is able to transmit mental impulses to all parts of the body, free and unobstructed, we have normal action which is health.”

5. “Chiropractors correct abnormalities of the intellect as well as those of the body.”

6. “Many patients imagine that they have tried everything. True, they have used many remedies, but they have never had the cause of their infirmity adjusted.”

7. “I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop, at the same bench was not. Why? What difference was there in these two persons that caused one to have various diseases, while his partner escaped?”

8. “That which I named ‘innate’ is a segment of that intelligence which fills the universe.”

9. “Life is but the expression of spirit through matter. To make life manifest requires the union of spirit and body.”

10. “Chiropractic is founded upon different principles than those of medicine. I laid the foundation and built thereon, the science of CHIROPRACTIC.”


Forgotten Side of Medicine

News of Interest. Content in this column may or may not reflect the opinions of the forum or its members.

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Feb 12
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The Globalist Depopulation Boss Openly Told ABC's "The View" That If USAID Continues To Be Investigated / Dismantled, A New Pandemic Will Kill Millions

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Jan 25
You Can’t Vaccinate Against Cancer
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You Can’t Vaccinate Against Cancer
Are vaccines the solution to every problem? Many tech junkies, investors, politicians and public health officials seem to think so. And with the recent contr...See more
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NIH-funded study finds cases of ME/CFS increase following SARS-CoV-2


What: myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Monday, January 13, 2025 Long CoVid

NIH-funded study finds cases of ME/CFS increase following SARS-CoV-2

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Jan 21
Alec explores the misconceptions surrounding infectious diseases and reframes how we understand sickness. He examines the role of belief in health, gaps in virus research, and alternative reasons for individual and group illness. Discover insights into biofield interactions, the intelligence of water as it relates to our body, and how shifting your perspective can unlock new paths to wellness.

Alec explores the misconceptions surrounding infectious diseases and reframes how we understand sickness. He examines the role of belief in health, gaps in virus research, and alternative reasons for ...See more
Jan 16
Yale Study Confirms One Billion Received Covid Vaccines - Now Have Full Blown VAIDS Disease in Reverse

These disturbing observations are being reported worldwide. Have you noticed something unusual about the vaccinated? The greyish pallor in the face, the persistent brain fog, the mood swings, the relentless exhaustion, and their struggle to fight off even the mildest cold or flu?

And now, a groundbreaking Yale study has confirmed what many feared: Covid vaccines wreak havoc on the immune system, causing a condition known as VAIDS. Covid-19 vaccines can cause a form of AIDS-like immunodeficiency called vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

But here's the twist-Yale is so ashamed of their own findings, they're scrambling as we speak to bury this bombshell study.

We're here to make sure that doesn't happen, because what's at stake isn't just the truth, it's the future of humanity itself. https://odysee.com/@ProgressiveTruthSeekers:3/Received-Covid-Vaccines:5
Yale Study Confirms One Billion Received Covid Vaccines - Now Have Full Blown VAIDS Disease in Reverse

These disturbing observations are being reported worldwide. Have you noticed somet...See more
Jan 12
Geert's 2025 Predictions Revealed?
Get ready for the most mind-blowing predictions of 2025! Geert, a renowned expert vaccinologist, who warned about the risks of mass vaccination in 2021, shares his shocking forecasts that will leave you speechless.

Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development.

Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He also represented GAVI in fora with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness.

Back in 2015, Geert scrutinized and questioned the safety of the Ebola vaccine that was used in ring vaccination trials conducted by WHO in Guinea. His critical scientific analysis and report on the data published by WHO in the Lancet in 2015 was sent to all international health and regulatory authorities involved in the Ebola vaccination program. After working for GAVI, Geert joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the Vaccine Development Office. He is at present primarily serving as a Biotech / Vaccine consultant while also conducting his own research on Natural Killer cell-based vaccines. https://rumble.com/...l?e9s=src_v1_science
Geert's 2025 Predictions Revealed?
Get ready for the most mind-blowing predictions of 2025! Geert, a renowned expert vaccinologist, who warned about the risks of mass vaccination in 2021, shar...See more
Jan 8
Thank You, Dr. Fauci / (2024) Documentary About The Origins Of of COVID-19 https://neighborhood.openlid.org/video/view/1383
Dec 14 '24
Study Shows Omega-3 Protects Against Heart Failure https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/...ainst-heart-failure/Study Shows Omega-3 Protects Against Heart Failure See more
Dec 14 '24
World’s Largest COVID-19 Vaccine Study Confirms Links to Serious Health Problems https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/...ous-health-problems/World’s Largest COVID-19 Vaccine Study Confirms Links to Serious Health Problems See more
Dec 11 '24
The $1 Trillion Private Health Insurance Scam -just another way for corporations to skim more money off the ill. https://youtu.be/cQR67WRcVUg
Dec 8 '24
Bill Gates may seem like a tech visionary, but his influence stretches far beyond [crappy] technology and into our [crappy] food and health choices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D1hiDvOyyM https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Dangerous-Devil-(Bill-Gates):0Bill Gates may seem like a tech visionary, but his influence stretches far beyond [crappy] technology and into our [crappy] food and health choices. See more
Dec 3 '24
International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do? https://jbhandley.substack.com/...cientists-have-foundInternational scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do? See more
Nov 24 '24
In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, discusses The Swarm™ in their mission to "Make America Healthy Again." And the Number #1 thing they are doing to OPPOSITE as to what they are promising to us. https://www.youtube.com/...mEFbzp2iwT&t=972In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, discusses The Swarm™ in their mission to "Make America Healthy Again." And the Number #1 thing they are doing to OPP...See more
Nov 18 '24
Pfizer CEO Facing Life in Prison for Lying to Billions About COVID Vaccine https://www.brighteon.com/...87-9aae-b37ac761d21cPfizer CEO Facing Life in Prison for Lying to Billions About COVID Vaccine h...See more
Nov 18 '24
2 days ago

In a major development with potential impact on Bill Gates’ trial in the Netherlands, a Dutch government official has disclosed that the Covid pandemic was orchestrated as a “military operation.”

The official went on to admit that, throughout the pandemic, the nation was operating under direct orders from NATO.

According to the government official, the pandemic played out according to a coordinated, behind-the-scenes strategy, suggesting that the forced vaccinations and brutal lockdowns had nothing to do with public health, and everything to do with advancing a hidden agenda. https://www.brighteon.com/...32-8db8-e386380e1e30
2 days ago

In a major development with potential impact on Bill Gates’ trial in the Netherlands, a Dutch government official has disclosed that the Covid pandemic was orchestrated as a ...See more
Nov 16 '24
On this episode of The Model Health Show, our guest is Brigham Buhler, the founder and CEO of Ways2Well. He’s here to share insider secrets from his previous career as a pharmaceutical representative. You’re going to learn interesting facts about how insurance companies profit, the truth about Big Pharma, and how the American people can take control of their health.
On this episode of The Model Health Show, our guest is Brigham Buhler, the founder and CEO of Ways2Well. He’s here to share insider secrets from his previous career as a pharmaceutical representative....See more
Nov 14 '24
Big COVID Lies to be EXPOSED by Trump Presidency [?]
Nov 13, 2024
Trump’s re-election victory could lead to a full revelation of the government’s handling of COVID-19, from lockdown measures to vaccine mandates. With new insights, Trump's administration may challenge the narratives of the past, exposing the policies and decisions that shaped America's pandemic response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_be7fgapmY
Big COVID Lies to be EXPOSED by Trump Presidency [?]
Nov 13, 2024
Trump’s re-election victory could lead to a full revelation of the government’s handling of COVID-19, from lockdown me...See more
Nov 14 '24
Excess deaths published

Nov 13, 2024
Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022

Human Mortality Database (2024); World Mortality Dataset (2024); Karlinsky and Kobak (2021); Human Mortality Database (2024); World Mortality Database (2024) – processed by Our World in Data
Excess deaths published

Nov 13, 2024
Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to Decemb...See more
Nov 12 '24
Judge Orders Bill Gates to Stand Trial for Murdering Millions - english audio translations & updates ...this video contains english audio translations for the speakers from the Netherlands & updates from Maria of Zeee Media.

For decades, Bill Gates has committed crimes in broad daylight — conducting experiments on vulnerable children in Africa and India, masterminding a global vaccine rollout linked to millions of deaths, all while advancing a chilling agenda rooted in eugenics and depopulation.

So how has he managed to get away with it for so long?

He’s the major funder behind global health organizations, buying himself free rein to do as he pleases. He bankrolls mainstream media, ensuring they never report on him negatively. And he sits at the top of globalist institutions including the WEF, forming tight alliances with other powerful members of the cabal.

But now, a brave judge in the Netherlands has ordered Bill Gates to stand trial — and Gates is terrified. How do we know?

Because Gates begged the judge to dismiss the case, arguing that if he is held to justice in the Netherlands, there will be a “contagion effect” — his words — and the rest of the world will demand that he is bought to justice for crimes against humanity. https://www.brighteon.com/...32-8a06-333ceb8fd9b3
Judge Orders Bill Gates to Stand Trial for Murdering Millions - english audio translations & updates ...this video contains english audio translations for the speakers from the Netherlands & u...See more
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PLAY AUDIO here. m p3 Manil Suri and Daniel Morga... more
Admin Dec 14 '23
A 5-part docu-series from Holocaust Survivor Vera ... more
Admin May 10 '23
abstract Systemic mast cell activation disease (M... more
Admin May 9 '23

covid blog

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A century later, "medical science" is starting to catch up!

They say supplements should not be considered to be a replacement for eating a healthy diet. The implication being that pharmaceutical drugs are!?

The immune system, which is a manifestation of innate intelligence, is still a whole lot smarter than "medical science."

"The immune system protects the body from disease. Over the past decade, however, researchers have come to understand that the innate immune system — the part of the immune system that serves as the body’s first line of defense — is implicated in an enormous number of disease processes that affect many millions of people around the world.

Sometimes the immune system runs too hot, erroneously attacking the body. Sometimes, it runs too cold — its defenses insufficient to defend against invaders. We now know that the tipping point between running too hot or too cold often depends on the innate immune response, but we don’t know how to prevent it from going off course. The goal is to determine how to fine-tune the innate immune system (so that it knows exactly when to turn on and how to protect the body), and then how to turn it off before it causes any collateral damage....

"The innate immune system is the first part of the body to detect invaders such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxins, or to sense wounds or trauma. Upon detection of these agents or events, the innate immune system activates cells to attack and destroy the outsider, or to initiate repair, while also informing and modulating the adaptive immune response that follows this first line of defense."

We're wondering how long it is going to take them to acknowledge the key fundamental role of the autonomic nervous system in innate immunity. Instead of going down the road of forcing toxic chemicals and inoculations to"control" the delicate dance of biochemistry that determines health and vitality.

Westin Price


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